Understanding Your Role in Change
There are changes that happen around you that seem minor and perhaps even insignificant. You don’t feel you had any direct influence on the change, and it doesn’t seem to have affected your life in any way. However, there could be an aspect of the change that will have an impact on your life, and it’s important to recognize and understand that impact. It might be as simple as a change in routine, or how you view someone in your life.
For major changes that directly affect you, it’s important to understand how the change will impact your life in significant ways, and how you will respond to it. You may want to learn how you influenced the change, or how you can make the change work to your advantage. There are more than likely other people involved, and learning how the change impacted them can give you perspective on your own reaction and experience.
If you’re having a hard time with change, or you’re anticipating a significant change in the near future, talk to Moksha Living today about holistic therapy, flower essences, and other modalities that can help you.