The Different Types of Anxiety Explained

If you think that anxiety simply means feeling a bit stressed and on edge, then you might need to think again. As a mental health condition, anxiety is much more complicated than that. Anxiety is an umbrella term that includes several conditions, all with some...

What Is the Difference Between Anxiety and Stress?

Do you find yourself feeling nervous, overwhelmed, and worried for extended periods of time? This is a common symptom of anxiety. Anxiety disorders affect more than 40 million American adults, making it the most common mental illness in the U.S. But, anxiety symptoms...

Coffee Talk – How Does Caffeine Effect Us

Anxiety is the most common issue that brings people into therapy. Many of those experiencing anxiety also note that they consume at least 1 cup of coffee/caffeinated beverage a day. When asked if they think that the amount of caffeine they consume influences their...

What Is Your Anxiety Trying to Tell You?

You can alleviate anxiety without medication Anxiety is a signal that your body is trying to communicate something to you. If you learn to listen to what is underneath the anxiety: You can fulfill your deepest needs and desires. The Problem: You’re Stuck In Your Head...